
20+ Years Experience in Physical Security Services & Trainings

AuroQ’s focus is on continuous learning and upskilling to develop future industry talent across India. India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 62% of the population in the working age group of 15-59 years and more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age, and needs a highly skilled, dynamic and efficient workforce that can help in rapid nation building. AuroQ is proud to contribute towards this effort of nation building through its courses and services.


…the shifting economic landscape is reshaping work and society and affecting the way people think about the skills and training they need to get ahead… — https://www.pewresearch.org

In a world driven increasingly by information and innovations, the need for continuous learning and upskilling becomes imperative, and especially in a rapidly developing country like India. More and more, professionals and corporate leaders across the board are feeling the acute necessity of keeping up-to-date with new skills and knowledge throughout their professional lives. In an age of relentless competition, it is only continuous learning and upskilling that can differentiate the best from the rest!


Our mantra is continuous learning based on the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen……

Whatever your business may be ......

Information Security Consultancy

Solutions for Physical Security

Personal Development Trainings

Management Trainings