
As work places are increasingly facing assault from some interior disgruntled elements as well as exterior competitor forces, the response to mitigate these challenges are becoming complex.  The men and material assets have to be protected for smooth business operations. While  the business houses may not have focus, time or expertise to cover every aspect of the looming threat,  even identifying and recognising such threat becomes a handicap in the absence of experience and knack of the security staff. The management needs to focus on day to day business operations leaving security and safety issues at the hands of experts.

AuroQ are Specialists. We are a Physical security consultants. We at AuroQ have a knack and expertise in giving your business and its operations a 360 degree security cover.  We not only identify potential dangers and threats to your assets – both men and material – but make our clients  understand  its gravity and  sensitise their security staff to prepare and respond quickly to the incidents. We prepare bespoke strategies and tactics and help  rehearse the drills on the ground with the  staff in controlled environment.  

Security Threat & Risk Assessment Service

The present security staff are so tuned to mundane security processes that often an outsider eye and mind is required to identify the gaps in the security set-up. We at AuroQ have trained our mind to think like a perpetrator and eye to look for lapses in the set-up. Not only that, our Comprehensive Security Threat & Risk Assessment Report will identify the hidden and potential threat to our Client’s  building but also cover   the  occupational and work place hazards for your human resource and recommend remedial actions.

Formulating Security  SOPs, Contingency Plans & its effective implementation Service

You name a contingency, we will prepare a contingency plan to tackle the contingency. Our expert and experienced team will devise strategies and tactics and write Standard Operating Procedures for each eventuality in detail. Not only that, with the Client’s security staff we will assist in undertaking  rehearsals so that the institutional response to such emergencies is quick and smooth like a well-oiled machine. We help our Clients tackle Workplace Law & Order contingency, Fire Fighting contingency, Security Breach contingency, Sexual Harassment contingency, medical contingency, Industrial Hazardous Material Exposure contingency, Industrial Blast contingency etc.

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